Friday 1 November 2013

Hypocrites’ Claim of Faith

BAQARAH – 2 (The Cow)
Hypocrites’ Claim of Faith
Verse – 8 of 286, Section – 2 (Part  - 1)
And of mankind are some who say: We believe in Allah and the Last Day, when they believe not.  
Wa minan-naasi many-ya-quulu ‘aamannaa billaahi wa bil-Yawmil—‘Aakhiri wa maahum bi-mu’-miniin.


       Till now two kinds of people have been discussed in the Holy Qur’aan:
1.      Obedient believers of the Law of God.
2.      Infidels, who denied the law of God.

Now third kind of persons will be mentioned here. These people are also enemy and opposition of Islam. But they hide their infidelity and enmity by deception which they have in their hearts, and claim faith on Islam. In the phrase of Holy Qur’aan they are called hypocrites. If a person proclaims goodness of Islam by his tongue but hides evil and infidelity in his heart, this is the hypocrisy.

When Islam proclaimed fidelities of belief on Allah and belief on hereafter, it was necessary for him who wanted to become a Muslim, to agree on these both faiths. So out of the people of al-Madina, a special group declared themselves enchantingly about having believed on both faiths and wanted to join Muslims. They were included in Muslims but they were not sincere. It was necessary to escape from their deceit. So Holy Qur’aan informed the Muslims itself that they didn’t believe on these fidelity by heart. Therefore, Muslims should be cautious from these people.

It seems that sign of hypocrite was claiming their faith on these fidelity by their tongue, but their hearts didn’t agree. If, today too, someone hasn’t same outward appearance and inward qualities, then he should calculate himself. As long the tongue and the heart are not alike, belief doesn’t produce, but this condition is of the hypocrisy.

  Companions of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) calculated themselves always besides their nobility and excellence. That is why they were on higher degrees of belief and sincerity. Allah Almighty bestowed them higher ranks and favoured them with successes.

           When Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) migrated from Makkah to al-Madina, the people were preparing to make ‘Abdullah bin Ubai bin Salool’, a person of tribe ‘Khizraj’, as chief of the city. He was a clever and collusive person. On migration of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him), matter of crown-wearing ceremony was suspended. Every one wanted to make the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) the chief of al-Madina.

Abdullah looked it but remained silent. He thought it advisability not to raise sound against Islam and Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him). So he became Muslim and his companions also. But they were waiting for occasion to leave Islam and opposing the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him).
As the time was passing on, the effect of Islam was increasing. And jealousy of these people was also increasing. Their enmity was increasing too. So whenever they got chance they opposed Islam and deceived the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him). They proved themselves domestic enemies. Although they said prayers following the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) but opposed Islam. They built their separate mosque. Allah Almighty called that mosque “Masjid-i-Zrar”. They left the Muslims in the Battle of ‘Ohad’ at the time of encounter.

Today also Islam has the greatest danger from that kind of Muslims. It means the people who apparently say the word “Islam”, choose their names like Muslims, live with Muslims. But they have infidelity in their hearts and for opposing the Muslims they get help from infidels.

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