Quran Chapter 11-24
(Pt-12, Stg-3) (L-1362) - درس قرآن
parties are not equal in similitude
Surah Huud (Hud) - 11
In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful
24. The similitude of the two parties is as the
blind and the deaf; and the seer and the hearer. Are they equal in similitude?
Will ye not then reflect (therein)?
24. Masalul-farii-qayni kal-‘a’-maa
wal- ‘asammi wal- basiiri was-samii’.
Hal yasta-wi-yaani masalaa.
‘Afa-laa tazak-karuun.
The Messenger of Allah Almighty, Muhammad (grace, glory, blessings and
peace be upon him) proclaimed about “Oneness of God Almighty” in Makkah
and said to the people: Allah Almighty has prescribed for you Islam as your
Religion. So you should follow its commands, give up worshipping your self
fabricated gods (idols) and abandon old false traditions, and you all should be
united at the Path; explained by Islam.
It was a simple Message. If they had admitted it, certainly their lives
would have been arranged without blood-shed. But they did not accept it. It was
the result that two parties had been produced into them and the Messenger (grace,
glory, blessings and peace be upon him) was commanded: You should gratify such
people who follow you, but continue causing to understand them who are not
ready to believe.
It has been commanded in this verse that all people are not equal in
using their sense as their physical condition is different from one another.
Although there is no want in the Religion of Allah Almighty, but every
individual can get from that power so much portion only; which can be accepted
by his personal formation. Some of them are such people whose matter is as much
faulty that their eyes and ears are not able to accept the power of seeing and
hearing. These are the people who remain “the blind and the deaf”.
Like this, the same condition is of the mental powers. Out of them
also, every person cannot take full own part due to deficiency in their
foundation. Some people are intelligent, whereas some are foolish. Some are
those who are given more part of wisdom and vision, but outer impressions are
so much effective and powerful that they do not let them work properly. If
those outer impressions are removed; then their eyes, ears and sense can work
properly. Such people are those who can reap advantage of advice, knowledge and